Wio Terminal KNN classifier: Machine Learning

Francesco Azzola
9 min readJan 17, 2021


Learn how to use a KNN classifier to classify objects using colors

This tutorial describes how to implement a Wio Terminal KNN classifier. In more detail, it covers how to use a KNN classifier to classify objects using colors. To implement this Wio Terminal Machine Learning example, we will use a color sensor (TCS3200). This project derives from the ESP32 Machine Learning KNN classifier where we used the KNN classifier to recognize balls with different colors. In this simple, Wio Terminal Machine Learning tutorial, we will replace the ESP32 with Wio Terminal and we will add a color sensor because the Wio doesn’t have a built-in sensor. Moreover, we will use the built-in LCD display to show the result.

What is the KNN classifier?

We have already covered what is KNN. We know that KNN stands for k-nearest neighbors algorithm. This algorithm belongs to the supervised machine learning algorithms. KNN tries to assign a label to an object measuring how similar this is to others seen during the training phase. We can have two different phases:

  • training phase
  • labeling phase where the trained algorithm assigns a label to an object

The features we consider are the three color components (Red, Green, Blue). Using KNN with Wio Terminal is very simple because there is already an Arduino library ready to use. Moreover, KNN is very simple so it can be implemented on a Wio Termina device.

How to use KNN with WIO Terminal to classify objects

Now that we know how KNN works, we can focus our attention on the implementation of the KNN on the Wio Terminal. We will use PlatformIO to create this project even if you can use another IDE.

The code we will use, derives from the Arduino KNN code. Anyway, we will modify it because the Wio Terminal is different from Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense:

include <Arduino.h>
#include <Arduino_KNN.h>

// Define color sensor pins
#define S0 32
#define S1 36
#define S2 39
#define S3 40
#define sensorOut A8

k-NN color classification
This sketch classifies objects using a color sensor.
First you 'teach' the Arduino by putting an example of each object close to the color sensor.
After this the Arduino will guess the name of objects it is shown based on how similar
the color is to the examples it has seen.
This example uses a case of k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) algorithm where k=5.
HARDWARE: Arduino Nano BLE Sense
USAGE: Follow prompts in serial console. Move object close to the board to sample its color, then move it away.
Works best in a well lit area with objects of different colors.

This example code is in the public domain.

const int INPUTS = 3; // Classifier input is color sensor data; red, green and blue levels
const int CLASSES = 3; // Number of objects we will classify (e.g. Apple, Banana, Orange)
const int EXAMPLES_PER_CLASS = 30; // Number of times user needs to show examples for each object

const int K = 5;

// Create a new KNNClassifier
KNNClassifier myKNN(INPUTS);

// Names for each class (object type)
String label[CLASSES] = {"Orange", "Blue", "White"};

// Array to store data to pass to the KNN library
float color[INPUTS];

// Threshold for color brightness
const int THRESHOLD = 5;

// Handling Wio Terminal screen
TFT_eSPI tft;
#define Y_OFFSET 10

// Function to read Red Pulse Widths
int getRedPW() {
// Set sensor to read Red only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;

// Function to read Green Pulse Widths
int getGreenPW() {
// Set sensor to read Green only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;

// Function to read Blue Pulse Widths
int getBluePW() {
// Set sensor to read Blue only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;

void readColor(float color[]) {
int colorTotal = 0;

// Variables for Color Pulse Width Measurements
int redPW = 0;
int greenPW = 0;
int bluePW = 0;
// Read Red Pulse Width
redPW = getRedPW();
// Delay to stabilize sensor

// Read Green Pulse Width
greenPW = getGreenPW();
// Delay to stabilize sensor

// Read Blue Pulse Width
bluePW = getBluePW();
// Delay to stabilize sensor

// Print output to Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Red PW = ");
Serial.print(" - Green PW = ");
Serial.print(" - Blue PW = ");
colorTotal = (redPW + greenPW + bluePW);

// Normalise the color sample data and put it in the classifier input array
color[0] = (float)redPW / colorTotal;
color[1] = (float)greenPW / colorTotal;
color[2] = (float)bluePW / colorTotal;

// Print the red, green and blue percentage values

void displayText(String text, int x, int y, int color1, int color2, int size) {
tft.setTextColor(color1, color2);
if (x == -1) {
x = (tft.width() - tft.textWidth(text)) / 2;
tft.drawString(text, x, y + Y_OFFSET);

void displayText(String text, int x, int y, int color1, int color2) {
displayText(text, x,y, color1, color2, 2);

void checkButton() {
while (digitalRead(WIO_KEY_A) != LOW) {

void setup() {

// Wio Button A setup

// Set S0 - S3 as outputs
pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);

// Set Pulse Width scaling to 20%

// Init the LCD Display
digitalWrite(LCD_BACKLIGHT, HIGH);
tft.drawString("KNN Classifier", (tft.width() - tft.textWidth("KNN Classifier")) / 2, (tft.height() - tft.fontHeight()) / 2);
// Set Sensor output as input
pinMode(sensorOut, INPUT);

while (!Serial);

Serial.println("TSC3200 + Arduino k-NN color classifier");

// Ask user for the name of each object
for (int currentClass = 0;
currentClass < CLASSES;
currentClass++) {
displayText("Press Button to acquire", -1, 1, TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
displayText("samples of" , -1, 20, TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
displayText(label[currentClass], -1, 55, TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK, 3);

// Ask user to show examples of each object
for (int currentExample = 0;
currentExample < EXAMPLES_PER_CLASS;
currentExample++) {

Serial.print("Show me an example ");
displayText("Sample: " + String(currentExample), 10, 100, TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
// Wait for an object then read its color

// Add example color to the k-NN model
myKNN.addExample(color, currentClass);

void loop() {

int classification;
displayText("Show me something", -1, 15, TFT_CYAN, TFT_BLACK);
displayText("to classify", -1, 35, TFT_CYAN, TFT_BLACK);
displayText("Press button", -1, 55, TFT_CYAN, TFT_BLACK);

// Wait for the object to move away again
Serial.println("Show me the next object...");


Serial.println("Let me guess your object");

// Wait for an object then read its color

// Classify the object
classification = myKNN.classify(color, K);

// Print the classification
Serial.print("You showed me ");
displayText("You showed me", -1, 80, TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);

displayText(label[classification], -1, 105, TFT_RED, TFT_BLACK,3);



while the platformio.ini file to use with this project is:

platform = atmelsam
board = seeed_wio_terminal
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
arduino-libraries/Arduino_KNN @ ^0.1.0

How the code works

In the beginning, we suppose we want to classify three different candles that have three colors:

String label[CLASSES] = {“Orange”, “Blue”, “White”};

Moreover, there are three different features we use to classify or label these objects: Red, Blue, and Green. By now, forget for a while how to read colors using TCS3200 sensor, we will cover it later.

The code acquires 30 samples for each object we want to detect. Instead of using the proximity sensor, we will use a delay between different samples. Once the training phase is complete, in the loop method, the code starts asking to detect objects that will be classified.

How to use Wio Terminal to detect colors and apply machine learning

To classify objects using Wio Terminal and KNN, as stated previously, we will use color. To do it, we will connect the Wio Terminal with the TCS3200 color sensor following this schema:

Wio Terminal -> Pin TCS3200 Pin
Vcc -> Vcc
32 -> S0
36 -> S1
39 -> S2
40 -> S3
A8 -> (PWM)Out

S0 and S1 pins control the output scaling frequency according to this table:

S0 Pin, S1 Pin -> Frequency
Low, Low -> Power down
Low, High -> 2%
High, Low -> 20%
High, High -> 100%

In the setup() method we have used:


This color sensor uses an 8×8 diode array that acquires different colors: Red, Green, and Blue. Changing the S2 and S3 pin logic level, it is possible to select which filter we want to apply or in other words which color we want to detect. The table below describes the logic levels of S2/S3:

S2 Pin, S3 Pin -> Photodiode type
Low, Low -> RED
Low, High -> BLUE
High, Low -> No filter
High, High -> GREEN

Therefore, in the code to acquire the BLUE color component we have used:

// Function to read Blue Pulse Widths 
int getBluePW() {
// Set sensor to read Blue only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;

How to use Wio LCD to visualize the KNN classification result

Wio Terminal has a built-in color display that we can use to visualize the KNN classification results. Moreover, we can use the Wio Terminal LCD to guide the user during the training phase and the labeling phase.

How to set up LCD display in Wio Terminal

Before using the LCD display, we have to initialize it. Therefore, this piece of code includes the header file:


moreover, in the setup() method the code initializes the display:

// Init the LCD Display
digitalWrite(LCD_BACKLIGHT, HIGH);
tft.drawString("KNN Classifier",
(tft.width() - tft.textWidth("KNN Classifier")) / 2,
(tft.height() - tft.fontHeight()) / 2);

This code sets the background as BLACK and shows for 2 seconds the string KNN Classifier. The result is shown below:

Handling button to acquire samples

The next step is handling the button present on top of the Wio Terminal. When the user presses this button, Wio Terminal starts acquiring samples for the KNN classification. To do it, we use this code:

void checkButton() {
while (digitalRead(WIO_KEY_A) != LOW) {

while in the setup() method:

// Wio Button A setup

Finally, every time we have to show a message to the user, we use this code:

void displayText(String text, int x, int y, int color1, int color2, int size) 
tft.setTextColor(color1, color2);
if (x == -1) {
x = (tft.width() - tft.textWidth(text)) / 2;
tft.drawString(text, x, y + Y_OFFSET);

void displayText(String text, int x, int y, int color1, int color2) {
displayText(text, x,y, color1, color2, 2);

More resources:
How to use Tensorflow JS with ESP32-CAM
How to use Tensorflow with ESP32
ESP32 KNN classification
Wio Terminal MQTT client
How to create a Weather station with Wio Terminal

How to test the classification with KNN and Wio Terminal

To test if the classification works, we need three different objects with different colors. I used three candles with orange, blue, and white color. Let’s run the code and during the training phase, you should see something like the picture shown below:

The same thing happens for the other colors. Once the training phase is complete, we can start testing the classification using the Wio Terminal KNN and the TCS3200. You can point the TCS3200 to one of the objects.

Below the results:

You can try it by yourself and check that it works!

Wrapping up

At the end of this post, we have covered how to use the Wio Terminal KNN classifier to classify objects using colors. We have integrated the Wio Terminal with TCS3200 to detect color and we have used the Arduino KNN library. Starting from the Arduino source code developed for Nano 33 BLE Sense, we have modified this code to adapt it to the Wio Terminal and TCS3200 so that we can use KNN. Moreover, we have discovered how to use a simple Machine Learning algorithm with the Wio Terminal.

Originally published at https://www.survivingwithandroid.com on January 17, 2021.



Francesco Azzola

I’m an electronic engineer with a passion for IoT and Machine Learning. I’m one of the top 100 most important influencers in IIoT in 2020 (Onalytica).